American Legion
Post 16
Shelton, Connecticut
295 Old Bridgeport Ave, Shelton, CT Phone: (203) 924-9
Our Fall/Winter NEWSLETTER is now posted on the NEWSLETTER PAGE. Check it out!
Blood Drive at Post 16 on Friday, February 7th
11:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Anyone wishing to donate blood may call 1-800-733-2767 or click the link below to sign up.
Also, volunteers are needed to assist from 10:00 AM thru 5:00 PM for setup, assist during the blood drive, and breakdown. Anyone that can help please email Mike Kellett at
Post 16 monthly meetings are held at 6 PM on the First Tuesday of the month.
Next Post 16 monthly meeting is Tuesday, Feb 4, at 6 PM.
Hope to see you there.
The following are the new Post 16 Officers:
Commander: Dave Gallagher
Senior Vice: John Simonetti
Jr Vice: Kelly Stanton
Adjutant: Milton Harrigan
Finance Officer: Jim Boulay
Service Officer: William Kozak
Historian: OPEN
Sgt-at-Arms: Phillip Norris
Chaplain: Gary Danielsen
Past Commander: Mike Kellett
Executive Committee:
THREE YEAR William Stanton Mike Kellett Joel Hurliman
TWO YEAR Charles Gram Larry Kayfus Kelley Stanton
ONE YEAR Edward Drauzweski Chester Lubac Phil Norris
SUBMITTED BY: Nominating Committee: Richard Rosenbaum and Phil Norris
Suicide Prevention
What: The American Legion’s Be the One initiative encourages American Legion Family
members, veterans, servicemembers and others to take action when they believe a veteran is at risk of suicide.
Why: To reduce the alarming number of veteran suicides.
How: Our goal is to destigmatize asking for mental health support, provide peer-to-peer support and resources, and educate everyone on how they can
Be the One.
Who: Veterans•
Talk with fellow veterans about how you are feeling.
Ask for help when you think you need it.
Know there are millions of people ready to help you.
Remember your family and friends care. Non-veterans
Ask veterans in your life how they are doing.
Listen when a veteran needs to talk.
Reach out when a veteran is struggling.
American Legion posts Educate members, other veterans and civilians on the campaign.
Veterans experiencing a crisis can call 988 and press 1 for mental health assistance (this WORKS! – Try it, and pass it on to those who may need it!).
Counselors are available 24/7. They may also text 838255 or visit the VA crisis line website
Post Activities
The Post holds business and social gatherings frequently.
Regular monthly meetings are held at the Post on the first Tuesday of each month at 6 PM.
[NOTE: the regular meeting is normally not held in the months of July and Aug
Membership renewal time is approaching. As you may recall, our annual dues have increased to $50.00. So, however you’re making your payment (online, check, or cash), please remember that the payment is now $50.00.