SUTTER-TERLIZZI AMERICAN LEGION POST 16 Newsletter Fall 2024 – Winter 2025
Our Saturday lunches and other Post activities continue to go really well. Our volunteer staff does a great job putting together our Saturday menus and many thanks to these folks for their excellent efforts. Our Adjutant sends out e-mails to everyone with the Saturday menu for that week. If you haven’t come down to the Post for these Saturday meals, you should make a point to do so, they’re really good. We try to vary these menus every week and we try to keep the prices as reasonable as possible. These meals, just to name a few, have featured hamburgers, hot dogs, spare ribs, lobster rolls, roast beef, turkey, porchetta, sausage, and vey goods sides to go along with these sandwiches. And by the way, we have a great bar menu as well that’s always available. As you will read further in the Newsletter, there are additional events scheduled at the Post and in the 3rd District. You are all welcome and I encourage you all to attend.
Welcome New Members & Transfers
Our organization belongs to the Veterans it serves and the communities in which it thrives. I encourage you to introduce a Veteran friend to our Post. We’re always seeking new members. New members bring with them, new energy and new ideas to help sustain the Post as we move into the future. Bring a Veteran friend or acquaintance to a monthly meeting or one of our events. I believe they’ll enjoy their experience.
We extend a warm welcome aboard from our Post 16 family to new and transfer members Lawrence Ciccarelli, William Jacobs, Charles Sullivan, and Eric Vogel.
Membership Renewals
If you have not yet paid your $50.00 membership dues, please do so as soon as possible. There are several options available to renew your dues and this makes it really convenient…
Renew by mail…
American Legion Post 16
P.O. Box 133
Shelton, CT 06484
Renew in person at the Post…
American Legion Post 16
295 Bridgeport Avenue
Shelton, CT 06484
Renew online at…
Post 16 Honor Guard
The Post 16 Color Guard and Rifle Squad continue to represent the American Legion honorably at events, ceremonies, and parades in Shelton and upon request, at surrounding towns. The members of the Color Guard and Rifle Squad are all getting older. These members have been involved for years because there is a great deal of pride in carrying and presenting our National and Post colors and firing at selected events.
In this regard, we are always seeking new members to represent the American Legion at both public ceremonies, events, and our own Post ceremonies. If anyone is interested in joining the Color Guard or the Rifle Squad, please contact the Post Adjutant.
Long time Post 16 Member and past 3rd District Commander Larry Kayfus has transferred to Post Everlasting.
- As was reported in the last Newsletter, the Post sustained some significant damage to the upstairs kitchen area as a result of the strong storm that came through Shelton, Huntington, Trumbull, and Monroe in early August. We are happy to report that the roof has been repaired. The replacement of the floor has been completed. And finally the interior ceiling and lighting have been replaced.
- Many thanks to Boo Kaneen, Sergeant-at-Arms for Squadron 16, for his excellent and precise work in restoring and refinishing an air-to-surface missile mockup and a torpedo mockup. These were given to the Post by the Connecticut Air & Space Center in Stratford. Once these mockups were transported to the Post, Boo set to work on their restoration. He did a wonderful job. The torpedo is on display outside the Canteen and the missile is inside the Canteen.
Post 16 Website
John Simonetti and Mike Kellett continue to add valuable information to the website. John and Mike continually do a great job in updating the site. They have added a calendar to the site to keep members and non-members alike informed on scheduled events at the Post. The site is available for not only our members, but also for public viewing. Many, many thanks to John and Mike for their excellent efforts on the website, very much appreciated. Please visit the website at and pass this along to others who may be interested in seeing what the Post does.
Post 16 Outing
The Post 16 Outing took place on Saturday, August 3rd. A great time was had by all of those in attendance. We offer many thanks to the volunteers who worked this event and made it so enjoyable.
Here’s some good information from longtime Post 16 member and Department Senior Vice Commander Mike Kellett…
National Defense and Homeland Security
Sign Up for Legislative Alerts
The American Legion’s Grassroots Action Center is a platform for connecting American Legion members and advocates with their members of Congress on Legion legislative issues. The Grassroots Action Center allows The American Legion to contact every member of Congress on large, national campaigns as well as target specific members on key committees that pertain to The American Legion’s legislative priorities. For more information visit:
Blood Drives at Post 16
The American Legion Blood Donor Program has existed officially since 1942 to help that cause. Each year – especially since 9/11 – Legionnaires have donated in spades, and departments have coordinated efforts at the Post level. A healthy donor may donate red blood cells every 56 days or double red blood cells every 112 days, according to the Red Cross. Platelets can be donated as few as seven days apart but a maximum of 24 times a year. Platelets are essential for patients who are undergoing chemotherapy or kidney transplants and have weakened immune systems. Donors are given a brief health screening prior to giving blood. The results of it are always kept confidential. Often, lingering health problems such as irregular heartbeats or high blood pressure are discovered during these required screenings.
People have held Blood Drives and given blood since community service became an American value. It’s only natural that The American Legion – with community service as one of its pillars – be heavily involved in blood donation efforts. As Blood Drives are scheduled in 2025, these will be announced at our monthly Post meetings. E-mails will also be sent out to everyone to announce these dates.
American Legion National Website
Just as a reminder, the American Legion National Website can be accessed at This site has a lot of interesting items and some very good information concerning American Legion training and programs that are offered. Once you access the site you may find it interesting to go into the Basic Training Program at which is an online self-paced training program that provides very good information on the mission, services, and programs provided to veterans and the community by the American Legion.
Buddy Checks
We are in need of comrades to conduct Buddy Checks. Looking out for our comrades is a very important part of who we are. At its core, The American Legion is an organization by, for, and about veterans of our United States …. Veterans and their families need to know they are not alone. They may be isolated from society due to health issues or other conditions. They may be struggling with disability, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, inclement weather or simple loneliness. A job may have been lost. A loved one may have recently passed. It could just be they simply need to hear a friendly voice on the phone or a knock at the door.
Buddy Checks are not membership or fundraising calls; they are simple check-ins with veterans in the community to see how they are doing and to learn if the local post can help with anything.
While Buddy Checks can be conducted year round, American Legion Posts are strongly encouraged to make Buddy Check calls during July and August during the dog days of summer as well as from Veterans Day through the Holidays. These times, especially the holidays, can be difficult for many of us and a call from a buddy is a sure pick-me-up.
Many American Legion posts have assembled Buddy Check teams that make calls monthly or even more frequently.
Buddy Check teams are urged to have at their fingertips a list of local resources available if needed. These may be American Legion service officers, Vet Centers, VA health-care facilities, or others who can help Veterans may be reminded of the 988 Crisis Line in case they know of someone who needs urgent assistance, or if they need it themselves. There are several resources available at and through the Department of Connecticut Membership, Leadership and Learning Commission.
Post 16 Members interested in helping to conduct Buddy Checks should contact Mike Kellett via email at
Boys State
Boys State took place in June of this year at the University of New Haven. We were able to send 6 boys this year from Shelton High School. In 2025 the University of New Haven will once again be hosting Boys State, probably in the June timeframe again.
State Police Youth Week
Connecticut State Police Youth Week took place in August of this year at the State Police Training Academy in Meriden. The Post sent one student this year from Shelton High School. We are hopeful that in 2025 we be able to send another student from Shelton High School to this program.
Oratorical Competition
The Oratorical Competition will be taking place sometime in January 2025 at Shelton High School. We are working with Shelton High School to determine an exact date.
Scouting Updates
Scout Troop 25 and Cub Scout Pack 25 are both now sponsored by Post 16. We are very excited to being able to work with the Scouts. They actively participated in our Flag Retirement ceremony that was held on Sunday, October 13th.
Volunteers Always Welcome & Needed
As I have stated many times at the Post and in previous Newsletters, the activities and events at the Post are supported by volunteers. Volunteerism has always been of vital importance to the American Legion and continues to be critical to Post 16 as we are a nonprofit organization. It’s our volunteers that allow our Post to successfully support events and programs, not only at the Post, but also in our community. If you compare our total membership of approximately Legionnaires at the Post, not including the number of Squadron 16 and Auxiliary Unit 16 members, we get things done with pretty much a mere handful of volunteers. For example, the bartending, cooking, grass mowing, snow shoveling, general upkeep/repair work, and renovations are all accomplished for the most part by volunteers. Volunteering has never been required, nor will it be required from any of our Legion Family members. But having said that, please consider volunteering to assist the Post with activities, events, and projects. Our success depends entirely on active membership, participation, and volunteerism. Consider volunteering, you’ll probably have a good time and find it very fulfilling. The more hands that get involved, helps to make the tasks much less daunting.
Activities & Events Calendar
Please take a few minutes to review our calendar at the end of this Newsletter for upcoming activities, events, and meetings which cover the remainder of the Fall, Winter, and the first quarter of 2025. We do not anticipate changes to the calendar schedule, but if there are any changes, I will contact everyone via e-mail.
Color Guard & Rifle Squad
As was mentioned in our Americanism section, the Post Color Guard and Rifle Squad are seeking volunteers. We support many public events in Shelton, Derby, and other towns in the area. Not all Posts have a Color Guard or a Rifle Squad, so in this regard Post 16 is very fortunate to have this group to support different events and parades. Consider volunteering to be a member of this group.
Blood Drive Coordinator Needed
Starting in 2025 and into 2026, we will be in need of a coordinator to work with the Red Cross in the scheduling of Blood Drives at the Post.
Food For Thought
Without our volunteers we would be in a difficult position to have the events and sponsor the programs that we do. I offer many, many thanks to all of our volunteers who regularly step up at our Post to make things happen.
I would offer to all of you that everyone has thoughts or ideas for events or projects at the Post, please feel free to bring them to our attention. We are always open to new ideas and thoughts to improve our operations.
Please pay your dues if you have not already done so. Contacting members can be challenging and takes a degree of time and effort to accomplish. If this pertains to you, I would encourage you to pay your dues soon and save us the time and expense involved in trying to contact you. Take a look at the Membership section above for the different methods available to renew your membership. If on the other hand you have paid your dues and are aware of members who have not paid, please contact them and encourage them to pay their dues
Hello everyone. As we’ve posted in the past Newsletters, our meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month. We meet at 6:00 pm at Post 16. All Auxiliary members are encouraged to come to our meetings. If members are aware of someone who is interested in the Auxiliary please give them a membership form to fill out. We’re always looking for new members.
Also if you haven’t paid your dues for 2024/2025 please remember to do so.
Our next meeting will be December 10 @ 6:00pm where we will have a Christmas social evening. Please feel free to join us.
Nothing to Report
We would like to invite anyone who is interested in joining us the first Wednesday of the month for game night. We start at 5:30.
The Auxiliary would like to thank our members for allowing us to help our Veterans. Without your membership dues we wouldn’t be able to do what we do for them. So, thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!
Paula Gomez
Unit 16 Auxiliary President
All of our Squadron members contribute to the success of our Post. A portion of your yearly membership goes towards the Children Welfare Fund and veteran programs. Other Squadron volunteers support many of the activities needed to maintain the Post facilities and refreshments as well. The volunteers give of their time dedicated to the post physical operations, most recently the renovations in our Post kitchens. I commend them for giving of their time.
The Hot Dog shed was very successful this year and enjoyed by everyone. I wish to thank the volunteers of both the Ladies Auxiliary and the Sons for their working the shed.
Our Squadron is accepting donations to support Operation Gift Cards through the month of December. Your donations are greatly appreciated by our squadron and more especially the VETERANS who receive the gift cards
On Sunday January 26th our Squadron is sponsoring our annual Chili Cook-Off contest. It will be at 2:00 PM just prior to the AFC and NFC championship games.
We wish to give a warm welcome to our new members Dale Hallaman, Daniel Hallama, Don Hallaman Jr., Larry Lynn, Matt Potocheny and John Zañowiak.
Our 2025 membership is currently 22 new members 124 renewals for a total membership of 146.
A reminder for those of you that have not yet paid your 2025 membership your current membership expires January 1st.
Thank you. Give credit where credit is due. Our membership continues to grow. The continuous years of membership for our members are eleven years. Our Squadron has already exceeded our 2025 goal. All of you continuously support our Squadron. A special recognition to those hands-on Squadron volunteers.
You all make our Post and Squadron successful. Thank you for honoring the heritage of your family members who have or are presently serving our Nation. My best wishes to you and your family for the holidays and a safe and healthy New Year.
Alan Kennedy
SAL Commander
Veterans in need of assistance with their benefits may contact the
Post Service Officer Bill Kozak (203) 513-8539
- Tuesday, December 3 – Post 16 Meeting at 6:00 PM
- Wednesday, December 4 – Unit 16 Game Night at Post 16 at 5:30 PM
- Sunday, December 8 – Squadron 16 Meeting at Post 16 at 1:00 PM
- Tuesday, December 10 – Unit 16 Meeting at Post 16 at 6:00 PM
- Saturday, December 14 – Post 16 Christmas Party starts at 12:00 PM
- Wednesday, December 18 – 3rd District Meeting, Westport Post
- Tuesday, January 7 – Post 16 Meeting at 6:00 PM
- Wednesday, January 8 – Unit 16 Game Night at Post 16 at 5:30 PM
- Sunday, January 12 – Squadron 16 Meeting at Post 16 at 1:00 PM
- Tuesday, January 14 – Unit 16 Meeting at Post 16 at 6:00 PM
- Wednesday, January 15 – 3rd District Meeting, Fairfield Post
- Saturday, January 25 – Department Mid-Winter Conference at Trumbull Marriott Hotel, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
- Sunday, January 26 – Chili Cook-Off Contest at Post 16 at 2:00 PM
- Tuesday, February 4 – Post 16 Meeting at 6:00 PM
- Wednesday, February 5 – Unit 16 Game Night at Post 16 at 5:30 PM
- Sunday, February 9 – Squadron 16 Meeting at Post 16 at 1:00 PM
- Sunday, February 9 – Super Bowl Party at Post 16
- Tuesday, February 11 – Unit 16 Meeting at Post 16 at 6:00 PM
- Wednesday, February 19 – 3rd District Meeting, Post 160, Easton
- Tuesday, March 4 – Post 16 Meeting at 6:00 PM
- Wednesday, March 5 – Unit 16 Game Night at Post 16 at 5:30 PM
- Sunday, March 9 – Squadron 16 Meeting at Post 16 at 1:00 PM
- Tuesday, March 11 – Unit 16 Meeting at Post 16 at 6:00 PM
- Saturday, March 15 – Post 16 Saint Patrick’s Day Party
- Wednesday, March 19 – 3rd District Meeting, Bridgeport Post
- Tuesday, April 1 – Post 16 Meeting at 6:00 PM
- Wednesday, April 2 – Unit 16 Game Night at Post 16 at 5:30 PM
- Tuesday, April 8 – Unit 16 Meeting at Post 16 at 6:00 PM
- Sunday, April 13 – Squadron 16 Meeting at Post 16 at 1:00 PM
- Wednesday, April 16 – 3rd District Meeting, Post 60, Danbury
Dave Gallagher, COMMANDER