Post 16 Main

Chapter News




Committee Members…

  • Dave Gallagher, Chairman and Post 16 Commander
  • Joel Hurliman, Vice Chairman and Post 16 Member
  • Sara Bacchiocchi, Committee Member and Auxiliary Unit 16 Member
  • Dennis Salzer, Committee Member and Post 16 Member
  • Ray O’Leary, Committee Member and SONS Squadron 16 Member

Committee Support Personnel…

  • John Anglace, City of Shelton’s President of the Alderman, Committee Liaison, and Post 16 Member
  • Jim Tate, Landscape Architect and Coordinator/Facilitator of Committee
  • Milt Harrigan, Committee Clerk and Post 16 Adjutant

Committee Accomplishments & Continuing Mission…

  • Identify military monuments in Shelton that could be consolidated in one location at Veterans Memorial Park. To this end, the committee had the Eagle Monument formerly located on the grounds of the Permanent War Memorial relocated to Veterans Memorial Park. Also located on those grounds was a memorial monument dedicated to those killed in action during WWI, WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam War. This monument was relocated to Sutter-Terlizzi American Legion Post 16.
  • A security plan was developed for Veterans Memorial Park to address and deter vandalism and crime in this area.
  • The military monument located in front of Plumb Memorial Library was identified as being in need of cleaning and restoration. Shelton Parks & Rec cleaned this monument and repainted the flagpole.
  • The committee designed a monument in memory of LT John Smarz and the crew of the USS Thresher which sank off the coast of Massachusetts during deep water testing operations in April 1963. LT Smarz was a long time resident of Shelton. The monument was dedicated at Veterans Memorial Park in September 2023.
  • The committee designed a monument to honor the Global War on Terrorism. This monument will be made of black granite and positioned next to the other monuments dedicated to those killed in action in WWI, WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam War. The new monument will be dedicated in 2024.
  • The committee has designed banners which will be positioned on the lamp posts located on either side of the Civil War Memorial. The banners have a Civil War theme and will draw attention to this memorial from Canal Street.
  • The committee’s efforts have concentrated on making Veterans Memorial Park a destination place for residents, students, and out-of-town visitors. There will be QR codes located throughout the park explaining the significance of the monuments located there. Going forward, there will be additional monuments placed along the Riverwalk sidewalk with QR codes that will explain the rich history of Shelton. The QR codes will be of significant importance as they will offer an educational experience for students and all visitors to the park.






Members Briefing

Each month (or more frequently if I can get more interviews!) I am going to spotlight a member and ask a few questions to see just how well we know him/her.  In this months inaugural issue, we propose our questions to our fearless leader

1.  Tell us what got you interested in the military to begin with in your younger days?

2.  If you could be anyone, living or dead, for a day, who would it be?

3.  Name one bad habit you wish you could break”

4. Favorite memory?


5.  If you were not in your branch of service and had to choose another…what would it be and why?



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