For our 3rd Quarter Event of 2019 we are going back to PORT 5 for our Fall BBQ. This has been a tremendous hit for 2 years now; it’s almost a tradition! Everyone loved it the last 2 years! This year we chose Thursday, Sept 18th . We will meet start at 1630 hours with a happy hour followed by the BBQ dinner. If it is nice weather you’ll be on the Port 5 deck overlooking Long Island Sound. If you haven’t been there, this is probably the most picturesque best (and least known) waterfront property in Bridgeport! Join in on the camaraderie. You’ll love it. (Psst….they have a full bar there at “Veteran prices”!)
Bonus: next year’s YAA speaker,
RADM Dennis Moynihan will join us to tell a few sea stories from his remarkable career!
ALSO: TWO Special announcements (all good!)
And…50/50 raffle to benefit YAA 2020
Still working on the Menu and Price, so stay tuned.
Bring a Dessert to share. See you there!
Click to Reserve NOW for the Sept 18th BBQ.