Dear Military Retiree and Annuitant:
You are cordially invited to attend the annual retiree appreciation day and seminar sponsored by Naval Submarine Base New London on Saturday, October 20, 2018 at the Dealey Center Theater. The Seminar starts at 0900. Following the seminar there will be information stations and display tables set up in Morton Hall Gymnasium from 1200-1400.
Attendees will be updated on issues ranging from Legislative matters, Tricare and the New Dental Plan, VA Benefits, Space A Travel and more.
The Sub-base Id Card Office will not be open.
For further information on the seminar events, contact the
at 860-694-3284. The RAO hours are 0900-1200 Monday-Friday.
NOTE: All persons desiring entrance to the Submarine Base must show a valid military or retired ID at the gate.