Speaker: Robin Montgomery
Robin Montgomery has had a distinguished, multifaceted career. As a Marine in Vietnam he was the recipient of the two Purple Hearts and the Navy Cross, the second highest medal for valor. He was inducted into the CT Veterans Hall of Fame in 2013.
Robin spent 26 years at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, overseeing and investigating several highly publicized cases, such as the incidents at Waco and Ruby Ridge. He was the agent in charge of protecting the man who shot George Wallace, Arthur Bremer. Robin was also one of the FBI agents sent to the hospital the day President Reagan was shot, with the FBI ending up securing the president’s nuclear code card! His last assignment was as the Director of the FBI’s Critical Incident Response Group.
After his time with the FBI he went on to serve as the Chief of Police in Brookfield, CT for 16 years. He also taught Justice & Law Administration at Western CT State University as an Adjunct Professor.
Along the way Robin helped establish the Marine Corp – Law Enforcement Foundation that raises money for the children of Marines and fallen law enforcement agents. He’s also President of Brookfield Cares, an organization focused on suicide prevention and substance abuse.
Robin will speak about some of his experiences during his long career with the FBI and the lessons learned and the changes in negotiation tactics to one of “strategic patience” when handling hostage and crisis situations.