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2018 Young American Awards Banquet

Stamford Italian Center Stamford

Our featured spekaer is Father Tom Simisky, President of Fairfield Prep and one of our members (he was a Marine atillery Officer in a former life!)


Blue Water announcement July 9th in Danbury / Rep. Esty

As you might know, we are celebrating a huge victory in the US House of Representatives with the passage of the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2017. The bill passed the House by a vote of 382-0 and now heads to the Senate for consideration. Congresswoman Esty, who serves on the Committee of […]

Fall Membership BBQ – NEW DATE!!

This event last September was OUTSTANDING!  It was our first time for a membership gathering at PORT 5.   We had a nice warm day and social hour was out on PORT 5's beautiful deck right on Long Island Sound!  We have again targeted a Wednesday for this event -- another welcome change.  If yoo have never been […]


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