2017 YAA Banquet
The Shore and Country Club 220 Gregory Boulevard, East Norwalk, United StatesAt The Shore and Country Club, East Norwalk
At The Shore and Country Club, East Norwalk
This is change from our normal day and normal venue, and a welcome one! It's a WEDNESDAY. We are hoping for a nice warm day as PORT 5 has a wonderful outdoor seating area right on Long Island Sound! If you have never been to PORT 5 you are in for a big surprise. By […]
HORSE FEATHERS Veterans Program – Horse Feathers is an equine therapy program that pairs veterans with equines with an emphasis on equine driving. Clients have the opportunity to learn about cart and wagon driving, harnessing, ground driving, horse evaluation, and emergency unloading Equine therapy is a valuable resource in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder […]
STATE OF CONNECTICUT CONNECTICUT MILITARY DEPARTMENT 360 BROAD STREET HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 06105-3795 On behalf of Major General Thaddeus J. Martin, Adjutant General, Connecticut Military Department, you are cordially invited to attend the 69th Annual Connecticut Armed Forces Day Luncheon. The luncheon will be Friday, May 18th, 2018, at the Aqua Turf Club, […]
Our featured spekaer is Father Tom Simisky, President of Fairfield Prep and one of our members (he was a Marine atillery Officer in a former life!)
As you might know, we are celebrating a huge victory in the US House of Representatives with the passage of the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2017. The bill passed the House by a vote of 382-0 and now heads to the Senate for consideration. Congresswoman Esty, who serves on the Committee of […]
This event last September was OUTSTANDING! It was our first time for a membership gathering at PORT 5. We had a nice warm day and social hour was out on PORT 5's beautiful deck right on Long Island Sound! We have again targeted a Wednesday for this event -- another welcome change. If yoo have never been […]
Dear Military Retiree and Annuitant: You are cordially invited to attend the annual retiree appreciation day and seminar sponsored by Naval Submarine Base New London on Saturday, October 20, 2018 at the Dealey Center Theater. The Seminar starts at 0900. Following the seminar there will be information stations and display tables set up in Morton […]
Our 60th ANNIVERSARY Clebration! Speaker: Colonel Jim O'Brien. MOAA's Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer During O'Brien's 25-year career, he served in a variety of financial management positions at all levels of the Air Force, including four command positions. His final assignment was comptroller for the Air Force Reserve, where he was responsible for […]