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Holiday Member Luncheon

Adams Rib Norwalk Inn, Norwalk

Our 60th ANNIVERSARY Clebration! Speaker:  Colonel Jim O'Brien. MOAA's Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer During O'Brien's 25-year career, he served in a variety of financial management positions at all levels of the Air Force, including four command positions. His final assignment was comptroller for the Air Force Reserve, where he was responsible for […]


VA Changes expected in 2019

(1) A June deadline to end the Choice Program as we know it and have the new community care program up and running. This means VA will be using new, simpler access standards for veterans to get care in the community, including access to new walk-in services for urgent care using retail providers. (2) Expectation […]

Spring Membership Luncheon

Redding Country Club 109 Lonetown Road, Redding, CT, United States

Speaker: American Legion Department of Connecticut Commander Tom Flowers  


YAA 2019

Ethan Allan Hotel, Danbury CT

Join us at the  Ethan  Allen Hotel  in Danbury  to  honor this year's Young Americans -  30 patriotic High School graduates from Fairfield County Schools who show outstanding leadership potential. Our Guest Speaker: Tom Deierlein Founder, TD Foundation Chief Executive Officer, Thundercat Technologies Tom Deierlein, the CEO, is a former U.S. Army Major and Operation […]


2019 Fall Membership Event – BBQ

Port 5 Veterans Association 69 Brewster Street, Bridgeport, CT, United States

For our 3rd Quarter Event of 2019 we are going back to PORT 5 for our Fall BBQ.  This has been a tremendous hit for 2 years now; it’s almost a tradition! Everyone loved it the last 2 years!  This year we chose Thursday, Sept 18th .    We will meet start at 1630 hours […]


YAA 2020

Ethan Allan Hotel, Danbury CT

WCMOA Holiday Luncheon

Redding Country Club 109 Lonetown Road, Redding, CT, United States

Speaker: Robin Montgomery   ROBIN MONTGOMERY BIO Robin Montgomery has had a distinguished, multifaceted career. As a Marine in Vietnam he was the recipient of the two Purple Hearts and the Navy Cross, the second highest medal for valor. He was inducted into the CT Veterans Hall of Fame in 2013. Robin spent 26 years […]


Fall BBQ

Port 5 Veterans Association 69 Brewster Street, Bridgeport, CT, United States

Holiday Luncheon

Redding Country Club 109 Lonetown Road, Redding, CT, United States

Our next Blood Drive

  Blood Drive The next blood drive at the Post will be held on Friday, April 19th, 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Volunteers are needed to support this drive from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM! Over the past year the Post 16 Family has collected and donated 163 pints of blood.

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